Executive Coaching
with Dr Rao

Reach an orbit of growth and accomplishment beyond your dreams.

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Imagine ...

Getting up in the morning with your blood singing at the thought of being who you are and doing what you do

Coming radiantly alive as you go through your day

Being serene as a Zen monk as you effortlessly tackle all manner of challenges

Brushing aside as pebbles what most consider boulders on your path

Growing in every dimension – your spiritual life, your personal life, your civic life and in your career

Joy gushing into your life, a transcendent well being that permeates your life

That is the vision I have for the clients I coach. And it is achievable.

My coaching style is distinctive. A historical parallel would be the relationship between Aristotle and Alexander.

They would have long discussions and Aristotle discoursed freely. Aristotle introduced Alexander to Homer and Plato and astronomy and science.

He did not teach Alexander how to lay siege to a mountain fortress or become a better swordsman.

But those interactions shaped Alexander and made him what he became. And then he achieved what he did.

That is the value of having a mentor by your side you can count on for support and perspective and rely on as a sounding board.

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Work with me to craft a life of profound fulfillment.

I help successful persons leapfrog to levels of accomplishment they never dreamed of while remaining serene and largely free of stress and striving.

A greater sense of joy comes into your life. Pure unadulterated joy. That feeling of wellbeing you experienced as a child. That sense of pure being when you were totally enthralled by a dog chasing its tail or raindrops puckering the dust.

Can you even remember the last time when you had such a sense of total freedom? When there was no undercurrent of anxiety and unrest about things that had to be done and there were glorious vistas of opportunity in every direction?

You would like to grow spiritually. You would like to be wise and serene and untroubled and filled with wonder.

You would also like to have an outsize impact on the world. You would like to leave the earth better and make a dent in the universe.

These are NOT two urges that are in conflict. Your path to sacred advancement lies through engagement in your career or your business.

It is not enough to understand this intellectually. You have to be deeply immersed in it, you have to be anchored in it and then act from that level.

My job is to start you on this journey and guide you through the many obstacles that promptly arise.

Please be aware that I am extremely selective about the clients I work with and am not inexpensive to engage.

Here's what you may expect ...

  • Relationships improve across the board ā€“ with partner or spouse, with children, friends, relatives, business associates, and even the unpleasant corner grocer with the surly growl.
  • You get a great deal done but the sense of striving, of effort and struggle vanish.
  • Persons, even strangers, confide in you and seek your counsel.
  • You donā€™t actively try to be an inspiring leader, but you become one anyway.
  • You feel a profound re-connection with your spirituality and a newfound ability to infuse it into all aspects of life with no inherent contradiction.
  • You notice an extraordinary increase in effectiveness. Three to four times more than normal is accomplished with less strain and effort.
  • You feel great clarity about personal values and how to shape jobs, relationships, and other activities so they are in conformity with each other.
  • Your entire experience of life changes.

IfĀ this resonates with you, let's have a conversation toĀ discover whether we should work together.

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The world's most accomplished individuals invest in a mentor or coach.

Roger Federer has a coach.

So does Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams.

Virtually every top athlete has a coach.

The reason is simple. You cannot sustain your best performance on your own.

This is true in every walk of life.

I help you become a better version of who you are. And then to explore whether the person you think of as ā€˜meā€™ actually exists.

I prefer ā€˜friend, philosopher and guideā€™ to ā€˜coachā€™ because I do not focus on any particular skill or a gap in your palette of talents.

When you work with me you find that entire areas of life where you thought you had ā€˜problemsā€™ clear up dramatically.

This is because I draw from Great Masters and they had a thorough and holistic approach.

What people are saying about Dr Rao's teachings...


Co-founder and CEO, The Imprint Group

"This course has had a profound impact on my life. Raoā€™s work is nothing short of transformational. Since taking the course two years ago my life has become infinitely clearer, more enjoyable, far less stressful and altogether more meaningful.ā€


Founder and CEO, The Helm

"Without being exposed to the coaching tools Srikumar has assembled, it would be hard to imagine a life of Mastery or deep day-to-day, moment-to-moment fulfillment, much less a community of such persons.ā€


World renowned business educator

"Many courses focus on creating great technicians. This one is helping to create great leaders and (even more important) to create great peopleā€¦to live a life that is both personally meaningful and makes a contribution to our world.ā€

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Dr. Srikumar Rao is a speaker, former business school professor, and head of The Rao Institute, based out of New York. He is also an executive coach to senior business executives, whom he helps find deeper meaning and engagement in their work.

Dr. Raoā€™s programs have helped thousands of executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs all over the world achieve quantum leaps in effectiveness, resiliency and overall happiness. Graduates of his workshops have become more creative and more inspiring leaders in some of the worldā€™s most successful companies.

He helps leaders around the globe transform their lives so that they can experience abundant joy, no matter what comes their way.

Dr. Rao is a TED speaker, author and creator of the pioneering course, Creativity & Personal Mastery.

Learn more about Dr Rao's coaching philosophy.

Ready to take the next step?

Take care with your application. Acceptance could well transform your life.

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